European site of Aeolus Tyres given makeover
Exclusive Aeolus site
“We have been representing Aeolus truck and earth-moving tyres in Europe for the past ten years”, states Bertus Heuver, director of Heuver Tyrewholesale. “We recently introduced the first two types of Aeolus agricultural tyres, which series will be further expanded in 2013. However, our dealers want to be able to direct their customers - the end users - to an appealing and exclusive Aeolus site that features all required information. Now was thus the right time to launch the completely renewed site. The site has a completely new and fresh appearance, whereby visual aspects have attempted to convey 'the person behind the product'. The new site perfectly matches our online strategy, which involves being a frontrunner on all fronts - thus also in terms of the internet and mobile web applications. End users are now able to easily find their nearest dealer. In short, the new site is a bonus for our dealers and their customers. We like to offer new insights to our customers and help them to run successful businesses."
Brochures downloadable
“The new Aeolus website can be used in four languages, on a personal computer or on a mobile device”, says Bertus Heuver. Besides the complete range of Aeolus products, customers will also find technical information about products and will be able to download all brochures. The new Aeolus site operates side-by-side with the site of Heuver - where all other tyre brands can be found - and is part of Aeolus' strategy to expand even further in Europe.
Visit the Aeolus website

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