High quality OTR tyres
OTR tyres are available in many sizes and types. We are the leading tyre specialist in Europe and can offer the most comprehensive range. Our 43,000 m² warehouse contains tyres for shovels, graders, scrapers, telescopic cranes as well as other OTR tyres. For all purposes and for all machines. If you are looking for high-quality new tyres, opt for one of our exclusive in-house brands, like Aeolus, Triangle and Barkley, or for one of our premium brands.
View our range of earthmoving tyresCustom earthmoving rims
Heuver has a comprehensive range of OTR rims in all types, sizes and dimensions. As the leading tyre specialist in Europe, the possibilities we offer to our customers are endless. Besides standard sizes, you can also order customised rims. This means you can always count on us for suitable high-quality rims, as well as the best possible service.
View our range of earthmoving rimsThe perfect inner tubes for your earthmoving machines
We are perfectly aware that an extensive range of wheels must be accompanied by a comprehensive range of inner tubes. Heuver offers a wide range of OTR inner tubes by Kabat, which come in various types, sizes and dimensions. Naturally, your choice of inner tube will be closely related to the outer tyre you are using, as well as your machine. As the leading tyre specialist in Europe, we are able to offer a comprehensive and diverse range of inner tubes.
View our range of inner tubesYour earthmoving knowledge partner
More articles
Background of OTR tyres
Many OTR tyres are not only used off-road. In many situations, vehicles also drive on hardened surfaces or public roads at above average speeds. In such cases, it is important to pay attention to the t...
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OTR and EM tyres: how to choose the right tyre
Earth-moving tyres (OTR – off the road) is a collective name given to tyres used on large machines. Such machines are mostly used in the construction, road-building and mining industries, where hardene...
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Load/Speed Index for OTR tyres
Bearing capacity is normally expressed by the Load Index (LI) on radial tyres or by the PLY rating (PR) on diagonal tyres. Speed and bearing capacity are often also linked; this is referred to as the L...
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