High quality truck tyres
Are you looking for truck tyres? Then you have come to the right place! Naturally, every truck in the transport sector deserves to have suitable tyres. Our comprehensive range of tyres, wheels and components for trucks and trailers has allowed us to develop into the largest tyre specialist in Europe. Thanks to a large stock of high-quality tyres by various brands, in all sizes and patterns, we are always able to offer suitable tyres for all purposes and axles.
View our range of truck tyresThe perfect truck rims for your transportation needs
Are you looking for truck rims? Then you have come to the right place! Naturally, every truck in the transport sector deserves to have suitable tyres. Our comprehensive range of tyres, wheels and components for trucks and trailers has allowed us to develop into the largest tyre specialist in Europe. Thanks to a large stock of high-quality rims, by various brands and in all sizes, we are always able to offer suitable rims for all purposes and axles.
View our range of truck rimsYour truck knowledge partner
More articles
The correct tyre pressure for your truck
It remains one of the most crucial issues when it comes to tyres: tyre pressure. Would you like to know the ideal tyre pressure for your truck or trailer? We would like to tell you everything about the...
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Load and speed index of truck tyres
The load index is mentioned on the side of the tyre and is always mentioned together with the speed index. It is important that you ask yourself whether you are using the right truck tyre for the weigh...
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The tyre label
The European tyre label has been mandatory for new tyres since 1 November 2012 and applies to passenger vehicles as well as light and heavy industrial vehicles. The European Commission has passed a new...
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3 warehouses in Europe.
With 3 warehouses in Europe, we can supply you very quickly.
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We speak 14 languages.
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